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輔酶 Q10 (CoQ10) 是一種對於細胞能量產生十分重要的營養素。 它有助於保護你的細胞免受氧化損傷。 CoQ10 存在於你身體的每個細胞中,有助於為所有生命活動產生能量,包括肌肉收縮、器官功能,甚至思考過程。
輔酶 Q10 的健康水平對保持身體健康和充滿活力,同時防止自由基損傷至關重要。
輔酶 Q10 存在於線粒體中,線粒體是細胞內產生能量的細胞器。 它作為每個細胞線粒體內的電子載體,促進有氧呼吸。 這個過程會從你吃的食物中產生三磷酸腺苷 (ATP)。[1] ATP 是將能量輸送到全身的分子。
輔酶 Q10 也是一種有效的抗氧化劑。 它可以幫助抵消自由基損傷,否則會導致細胞突變或死亡。 通過這種抗氧化活性,它支持健康的線粒體,因為它們容易受到氧化損傷。 受損的線粒體與多種健康問題有關。[2]
如前所述,輔酶 Q10 是一種強大的細胞抗氧化劑。 它可以幫助盡量減少體內的炎症和氧化損傷,兩者都與許多不利的健康狀況密切相關。[3] 補充 輔酶 Q10 已被證明有助於有效降低腫瘤壞死因子-α (TNF-α),這是一種與炎症相關的信號蛋白。[4] 它還與 c 反應蛋白 (CRP) 的適度改善有關,CRP 是一種炎症標誌物,與心血管健康問題的風險增加有關。 [5] 輔酶 Q10 還與許多其他健康益處有關。
除了一般的炎症標誌物,輔酶 Q10 研究最充分的好處之一是它與健康心臟的關係。體內健康的輔酶 Q10 水平與高密度脂蛋白的增加有關,高密度脂蛋白是“好”的保護性膽固醇。 [6]補充 輔酶 Q10 也可能對與心血管健康相關的風險因素產生正面影響,包括使膽固醇水平正常化和將血壓維持在正常範圍內。[7] [8]
氧化應激會產生更多影響血管放鬆的分子,從而導致血壓升高。 CoQ10 似乎通過抗氧化行為及其對血管舒張(放鬆動脈或靜脈壁)的影響來打斷這一過程。[9]
相反,低水平的 輔酶 Q10 與心血管相關事件後的不良健康後果相關。但健康的水平可能有助於改善結果,包括一旦有人已經患有心血管健康狀況,就會增加對運動的耐受性。[10] [11]
某些藥物(如他汀類藥物)通常用於降低膽固醇,但它們會消耗體內天然存在的 輔酶 Q10 水平。使用他汀類藥物時注意到的一個常見副作用是肌肉疼痛,這可能與低輔酶 Q10 有關。[12] 因此,研究人員建議補充 輔酶 Q10 可以使體內水平正常化並降低這些副作用的風險。[13]
輔酶 Q10 還可能有助於男性和女性的生殖健康。 它已被證明支持改善精子的數量和活力,這可能對嘗試懷孕的夫婦有所幫助。[14]
研究還表明,輔酶 Q10 可能有助於改善受孕困難女性的卵子的健康質量。 這再次可能與氧化應激的減少有關,這可能會影響卵子質量。[15] 補充劑還可以支持患有影響月經和生殖激素的健康狀況的女性,幫助調節排卵和受孕能力。[16] [17]
補充輔酶 Q10 已被證明有助於改善人們的能量水平或自身產生足夠輔酶 Q10 的能力。[18] [19]
它似乎還有助於提高健康運動員的耐力表現和運動能力。 [20]
研究人員認為,與能量相關的好處與線粒體功能的改善有關,同時在劇烈的體育活動期間減少氧化應激。 氧化應激的改善被認為是由於輔酶 Q10 能夠減少自由基的形成並對細胞的損害和損害肌肉功能。
補充 輔酶 Q10 也可能有助於消除衰老跡象。 由於皺紋和曬傷與自由基的增加有關,輔酶 Q10 的抗氧化能力可能有助於減少這種損害的影響。 因此,它通常被認為是一種支持年齡的補充劑,特別是因為身體的產量隨著年齡的增長而減少。 一項研究發現,輔酶 Q10 與補充膠原蛋白相結合,可以改善中年女性的皺紋和皮膚光滑度。[21]
隨著年齡的增長,輔酶 Q10 的產生會顯著下降,最早從 20 歲開始。 隨著產量下降,身體可能會經歷更多的氧化應激而不是有益的抗氧化活性。
此外,身體會在體內將 輔酶 Q10 的氧化形式(泛醌)轉化為還原的、生物可利用的形式(泛醇),但有些人隨著年齡的增長或遺傳傾向而難以進行這種轉化。 [22]
然而,考慮到隨著時間的推移自然減少和食物中的含量低,許多人選擇添加輔酶 Q10 補充劑作為泛醇。 [23]
總之,輔酶Q10是你身體每個細胞中能量產生和抗氧化活性的重要部分。 補充 輔酶 Q10 不僅對健康有很多好處,還有助於提高能量水平。 這種重要營養素的產生會隨著年齡的增長而減少,因此服用補充劑可能是保持輔酶 Q10 水平的最佳方法。
免責聲明:該信息僅用於一般教育目的。 這些療法不是標準醫療保健的替代品,也不能由患者單獨使用。 公司對作者的信息不承擔任何責任,無論是口頭傳達還是在這些材料中。 所有陳述均代表作者的意見,不代表本公司的立場或意見。 作者通過商品名稱、商標或製造商對任何特定產品、流程或服務的引用不構成或暗示本公司的認可或推薦。
[1] Mancuso, M., D. Orsucci, L. Volpi, V. Calsolaro, and G. Siciliano. Current Drug Targets 11, no. 1 (January 2010): 111–21.
[2] Diaz-Vegas, Alexis, Pablo Sanchez-Aguilera, James R Krycer, Pablo E Morales, Matías Monsalves-Alvarez, Mariana Cifuentes, Beverly A Rothermel, and Sergio Lavandero. Endocrine Reviews 41, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 491–517.
[3] Hunter, Philip. “The Inflammation Theory of Disease.” EMBO Reports 13, no. 11 (November 2012): 968–70.
[4] Zhai, Junya, Yacong Bo, Yan Lu, Chunli Liu, and Lishi Zhang. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Markers of Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” PloS One 12, no. 1 (2017): e0170172.
[5] Mazidi, Mohsen, Andre Pascal Kengne, and Maciej Banach. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Plasma C-Reactive Protein Concentrations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Pharmacological Research 128 (February 1, 2018): 130–36.
[6] Garrido-Maraver, Juan, Mario D. Cordero, Manuel Oropesa-Avila, Alejandro Fernandez Vega, Mario de la Mata, Ana Delgado Pavon, Elisabet Alcocer-Gomez, et al. “Clinical Applications of Coenzyme Q10.” Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition) 19 (January 1, 2014): 619–33.
[7] Rosenfeldt, F. L., S. J. Haas, H. Krum, A. Hadj, K. Ng, J.-Y. Leong, and G. F. Watts. Journal of Human Hypertension 21, no. 4 (April 2007): 297–306.
[8] Mazza, Alberto, Salvatore Lenti, Laura Schiavon, Ezio Di Giacomo, Monica Tomasi, Roberto Manunta, Gioia Torin, Danyelle M. Townsend, and Domenico Rubello. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & Pharmacotherapie 105 (September 2018): 992–96.
[9] Rosenfeldt, F. L., S. J. Haas, H. Krum, A. Hadj, K. Ng, J.-Y. Leong, and G. F. Watts. Journal of Human Hypertension 21, no. 4 (April 2007): 297–306.
[10] Mortensen, Svend A., Franklin Rosenfeldt, Adarsh Kumar, Peter Dolliner, Krzysztof J. Filipiak, Daniel Pella, Urban Alehagen, Günter Steurer, Gian P. Littarru, and Q-SYMBIO Study Investigators. JACC. Heart Failure 2, no. 6 (December 2014): 641–49.
[11] Lei, Li, and Yan Liu. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 17, no. 1 (July 24, 2017): 196.
[12] Skarlovnik, Ajda, Miodrag Janić, Mojca Lunder, Martina Turk, and Mišo Šabovič. “Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation Decreases Statin-Related Mild-to-Moderate Muscle Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Study.” Medical Science Monitor : International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 20 (November 6, 2014): 2183–88.
[13] Qu, Hua, Ming Guo, Hua Chai, Wen-Ting Wang, Zhu-Ye Gao, and Da-Zhuo Shi. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Statin-Induced Myopathy: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Journal of the American Heart Association 7, no. 19 (October 2, 2018): e009835.
[14] Lafuente, Rafael, Mireia González-Comadrán, Ivan Solà, Gemma López, Mario Brassesco, Ramón Carreras, and Miguel A. Checa. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 30, no. 9 (September 2013): 1147–56.
[15] Xu, Yangying, Victoria Nisenblat, Cuiling Lu, Rong Li, Jie Qiao, Xiumei Zhen, and Shuyu Wang. “Pretreatment with Coenzyme Q10 Improves Ovarian Response and Embryo Quality in Low-Prognosis Young Women with Decreased Ovarian Reserve: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology: RB&E 16, no. 1 (March 27, 2018): 29.
[16] Izadi, Azimeh, Sara Ebrahimi, Shabnam Shirazi, Shiva Taghizadeh, Marziyeh Parizad, Laya Farzadi, and Bahram Pourghassem Gargari. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 104, no. 2 (February 1, 2019): 319–27.
[17] Refaeey, Abdelaziz El, Amal Selem, and Ahmed Badawy. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 29, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 119–24.
[18] Castro-Marrero, Jesús, Mario D. Cordero, María José Segundo, Naia Sáez-Francàs, Natalia Calvo, Lourdes Román-Malo, Luisa Aliste, Tomás Fernández de Sevilla, and José Alegre. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 22, no. 8 (March 10, 2015): 679–85.
[19] Sanoobar, Meisam, Parvin Dehghan, Mohammad Khalili, Amirreza Azimi, and Fatemeh Seifar. Nutritional Neuroscience 19, no. 3 (2016): 138–43.
[20] Sarmiento, Alvaro, Javier Diaz-Castro, Mario Pulido-Moran, Jorge Moreno-Fernandez, Naroa Kajarabille, Ignacio Chirosa, Isabel M. Guisado, Luis Javier Chirosa, Rafael Guisado, and Julio J. Ochoa. “Short-Term Ubiquinol Supplementation Reduces Oxidative Stress Associated with Strenuous Exercise in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Trial.” BioFactors (Oxford, England) 42, no. 6 (November 12, 2016): 612–22.
[21] Žmitek, Katja, Janko Žmitek, Mirjam Rogl Butina, and Tina Pogačnik. “Effects of a Combination of Water-Soluble Coenzyme Q10 and Collagen on Skin Parameters and Condition: Results of a Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study.” Nutrients 12, no. 3 (February 27, 2020).
[22] Langsjoen, Peter H., and Alena M. Langsjoen. “Comparison Study of Plasma Coenzyme Q10 Levels in Healthy Subjects Supplemented with Ubiquinol versus Ubiquinone.” Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 3, no. 1 (January 2014): 13–17.
[23] Zhang, Ying, Jin Liu, Xiao-Qiang Chen, and C.-Y. Oliver Chen. “Ubiquinol Is Superior to Ubiquinone to Enhance Coenzyme Q10 Status in Older Men.” Food & Function 9, no. 11 (November 14, 2018): 5653–59.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that is essential for cellular energy production. It helps protect your cells from oxidative damage. Found in every cell of your body, CoQ10 helps generate energy for all of life’s activities, including muscle contraction, organ function, and even thought processes.
Healthy levels of CoQ10 are vital for keeping your body healthy and energized while protecting against free radical damage.
CoQ10 is found in the mitochondria, the energy-creating organelles inside your cells. It acts as an electron carrier within the mitochondria of each cell and facilitates aerobic respiration. This process generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the food you eat.[1] ATP is the molecule that carries energy throughout your body.
CoQ10 is also a potent antioxidant. It can help counteract free radical damage, which otherwise can lead to cell mutations or death. Through this antioxidant activity, it supports healthy mitochondria as they are susceptible to oxidative damage. Damaged mitochondria are associated with several health concerns.[2]
As mentioned, CoQ10 acts as a powerful cellular antioxidant. It can help minimize inflammation and oxidative damage in the body, both closely related to many adverse health conditions.[3] Supplemental CoQ10 has been shown to help effectively bring down tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), a signaling protein related to inflammation. [4] It’s also associated with modest improvements in c-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular health concerns.[5] CoQ10 is also associated with many other health benefits.
Aside from general markers of inflammation, one of the most well-studied benefits of CoQ10 is its relationship to a healthy heart. Healthy CoQ10 levels in the body are associated with increases in HDL, the “good” protective cholesterol.[6] Supplementation with CoQ10 may also positively impact risk factors related to cardiovascular health, including normalizing cholesterol levels and maintaining blood pressure within the normal range.[7] [8]
Oxidative stress can increase the production of molecules that interfere with the ability of blood vessels to relax, which leads to increases in blood pressure. CoQ10 appears to interrupt this process through antioxidant activity and its influence on vasodilation (relaxing the walls of your arteries or veins).[9]
Conversely, low levels of CoQ10 are associated with adverse health consequences following a cardiovascular-related event. But healthy levels may help improve outcomes, including an increased tolerance for exercise once someone already has a cardiovascular health condition. [10] [11]
Certain medications like statins are often prescribed to decrease cholesterol, but they can deplete levels of naturally occurring CoQ10 in your body. A common side effect noted from statin use is muscle pain, which may be related to low CoQ10. [12] As a result, researchers have suggested that supplemental CoQ10 may normalize levels in the body and reduce the risk of these side effects. [13]
CoQ10 may also help with reproductive health for both men and women. It’s been shown to support improvements in sperm count and motility, which may be helpful for couples trying to conceive.[14]
Research also suggests that CoQ10 may help improve the quality of egg health for women who are having difficulty getting pregnant. This again may be related to reductions in oxidative stress, something that can impact egg quality.[15] Supplementation may also support women with health conditions that affect menstruation and reproductive hormones, helping to regulate ovulation and their ability to get pregnant. [16] [17]
Supplementation with CoQ10 has been shown to support energy improvements for people with conditions affecting their energy levels or ability to produce enough CoQ10 on their own.[18] [19]
It also appears to help improve endurance performance and exercise capacity in healthy athletic individuals.[20]
Researchers suggest that the benefits associated with energy relate to improvements in mitochondrial function while reducing oxidative stress both during periods of intense physical activity. The improvements in oxidative stress are thought to be due to CoQ10’s ability to reduce the formation of free radicals that can damage cells and impair muscle function. 22
Supplementation with CoQ10 may also help with signs of aging. As wrinkles and sun damage are associated with an uptick of free radicals, CoQ10’s antioxidant abilities may help reduce the impact of this damage. As a result, it’s often considered an age-supporting supplement, especially since the body’s production decreases as you get older. One study found that CoQ10 improved wrinkles and skin smoothness in middle-aged women in combination with collagen supplementation.[21]
Production of CoQ10 significantly decreases as you get older, starting as early as age twenty. As production drops, the body can experience increases in oxidative stress without the beneficial antioxidant activity.
Additionally, the body converts the oxidized form of CoQ10 (ubiquinone) to a reduced and bioavailable form (ubiquinol) inside the body, but some people have difficulty with this conversation as they age or due to genetic predisposition.[22]
Small amounts of CoQ10 are found in foods such as:
However, given the natural reduction over time and low amounts in foods, many people choose to add CoQ10 supplements as ubiquinol.[23]
Supplementation may also benefit people participating in strenuous exercise, as noted by some of the research on fatigue above. 22
In summary, CoQ10 is an essential part of energy production and antioxidant activity in every cell of your body. Supplementing with CoQ10 not only has many health benefits but can also help increase energy levels. The production of this vital nutrient decreases as we age, so taking a supplement may be the best way to keep up your levels of CoQ10.
Disclaimer: The information is for general education purposes only. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care and are not meant to be used by a patient alone. The Company assumes no liability for the author’s information, whether conveyed verbally or in these materials. All presentations represent the opinions of the author and do not represent the position or the opinion of the Company. Reference by the author to any specific product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by the Company.
[1] Mancuso, M., D. Orsucci, L. Volpi, V. Calsolaro, and G. Siciliano. Current Drug Targets 11, no. 1 (January 2010): 111–21.
[2] Diaz-Vegas, Alexis, Pablo Sanchez-Aguilera, James R Krycer, Pablo E Morales, Matías Monsalves-Alvarez, Mariana Cifuentes, Beverly A Rothermel, and Sergio Lavandero. Endocrine Reviews 41, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 491–517.
[3] Hunter, Philip. “The Inflammation Theory of Disease.” EMBO Reports 13, no. 11 (November 2012): 968–70.
[4] Zhai, Junya, Yacong Bo, Yan Lu, Chunli Liu, and Lishi Zhang. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Markers of Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” PloS One 12, no. 1 (2017): e0170172.
[5] Mazidi, Mohsen, Andre Pascal Kengne, and Maciej Banach. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Plasma C-Reactive Protein Concentrations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Pharmacological Research 128 (February 1, 2018): 130–36.
[6] Garrido-Maraver, Juan, Mario D. Cordero, Manuel Oropesa-Avila, Alejandro Fernandez Vega, Mario de la Mata, Ana Delgado Pavon, Elisabet Alcocer-Gomez, et al. “Clinical Applications of Coenzyme Q10.” Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition) 19 (January 1, 2014): 619–33.
[7] Rosenfeldt, F. L., S. J. Haas, H. Krum, A. Hadj, K. Ng, J.-Y. Leong, and G. F. Watts. Journal of Human Hypertension 21, no. 4 (April 2007): 297–306.
[8] Mazza, Alberto, Salvatore Lenti, Laura Schiavon, Ezio Di Giacomo, Monica Tomasi, Roberto Manunta, Gioia Torin, Danyelle M. Townsend, and Domenico Rubello. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & Pharmacotherapie 105 (September 2018): 992–96.
[9] Rosenfeldt, F. L., S. J. Haas, H. Krum, A. Hadj, K. Ng, J.-Y. Leong, and G. F. Watts. Journal of Human Hypertension 21, no. 4 (April 2007): 297–306.
[10] Mortensen, Svend A., Franklin Rosenfeldt, Adarsh Kumar, Peter Dolliner, Krzysztof J. Filipiak, Daniel Pella, Urban Alehagen, Günter Steurer, Gian P. Littarru, and Q-SYMBIO Study Investigators. JACC. Heart Failure 2, no. 6 (December 2014): 641–49.
[11] Lei, Li, and Yan Liu. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 17, no. 1 (July 24, 2017): 196.
[12] Skarlovnik, Ajda, Miodrag Janić, Mojca Lunder, Martina Turk, and Mišo Šabovič. “Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation Decreases Statin-Related Mild-to-Moderate Muscle Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Study.” Medical Science Monitor : International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 20 (November 6, 2014): 2183–88.
[13] Qu, Hua, Ming Guo, Hua Chai, Wen-Ting Wang, Zhu-Ye Gao, and Da-Zhuo Shi. “Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Statin-Induced Myopathy: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Journal of the American Heart Association 7, no. 19 (October 2, 2018): e009835.
[14] Lafuente, Rafael, Mireia González-Comadrán, Ivan Solà, Gemma López, Mario Brassesco, Ramón Carreras, and Miguel A. Checa. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 30, no. 9 (September 2013): 1147–56.
[15] Xu, Yangying, Victoria Nisenblat, Cuiling Lu, Rong Li, Jie Qiao, Xiumei Zhen, and Shuyu Wang. “Pretreatment with Coenzyme Q10 Improves Ovarian Response and Embryo Quality in Low-Prognosis Young Women with Decreased Ovarian Reserve: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology: RB&E 16, no. 1 (March 27, 2018): 29.
[16] Izadi, Azimeh, Sara Ebrahimi, Shabnam Shirazi, Shiva Taghizadeh, Marziyeh Parizad, Laya Farzadi, and Bahram Pourghassem Gargari. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 104, no. 2 (February 1, 2019): 319–27.
[17] Refaeey, Abdelaziz El, Amal Selem, and Ahmed Badawy. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 29, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 119–24.
[18] Castro-Marrero, Jesús, Mario D. Cordero, María José Segundo, Naia Sáez-Francàs, Natalia Calvo, Lourdes Román-Malo, Luisa Aliste, Tomás Fernández de Sevilla, and José Alegre. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 22, no. 8 (March 10, 2015): 679–85.
[19] Sanoobar, Meisam, Parvin Dehghan, Mohammad Khalili, Amirreza Azimi, and Fatemeh Seifar. Nutritional Neuroscience 19, no. 3 (2016): 138–43.
[20] Sarmiento, Alvaro, Javier Diaz-Castro, Mario Pulido-Moran, Jorge Moreno-Fernandez, Naroa Kajarabille, Ignacio Chirosa, Isabel M. Guisado, Luis Javier Chirosa, Rafael Guisado, and Julio J. Ochoa. “Short-Term Ubiquinol Supplementation Reduces Oxidative Stress Associated with Strenuous Exercise in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Trial.” BioFactors (Oxford, England) 42, no. 6 (November 12, 2016): 612–22.
[21] Žmitek, Katja, Janko Žmitek, Mirjam Rogl Butina, and Tina Pogačnik. “Effects of a Combination of Water-Soluble Coenzyme Q10 and Collagen on Skin Parameters and Condition: Results of a Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study.” Nutrients 12, no. 3 (February 27, 2020).
[22] Langsjoen, Peter H., and Alena M. Langsjoen. “Comparison Study of Plasma Coenzyme Q10 Levels in Healthy Subjects Supplemented with Ubiquinol versus Ubiquinone.” Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 3, no. 1 (January 2014): 13–17.
[23] Zhang, Ying, Jin Liu, Xiao-Qiang Chen, and C.-Y. Oliver Chen. “Ubiquinol Is Superior to Ubiquinone to Enhance Coenzyme Q10 Status in Older Men.” Food & Function 9, no. 11 (November 14, 2018): 5653–59.