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Probiotics & Prebiotic

Choose from probiotic and prebiotic supplements, designed to provide support for healthy immune function, digestive health, and gastrointestinal health. Explore a growing selection that features single, multi, anf specialized strain formulas.

  • Poly-prebiotic Powder 138g

    Probiotics & Prebiotics $464.00

    Poly-prebiotic Powder 138g

    Polyphenol and prebiotic combination to boost bifidobacteria and microbiome diversity

    SKU: PEPPRP1 Category:
  • Probiomood 60’s

    Digestive & GI Health $467.00

    Probiomood 60’s

    Shelf-Stable probiotic support for mood and emotional well-being

  • Probiotic 50B 60’s

    Probiotics & Prebiotics $980.00

    Probiotic 50B 60’s

    Acid-resistant capsules with pH targeted release; High-potency probiotic support for healthy intestinal microflora

    SKU: PEPR56 Category:
  • Probiotic G.I. 60’s

    Probiotics & Prebiotics $509.00

    Probiotic G.I. 60’s

    Probiotic blend to support healthy gut associated lymphoid tissue to promote healthy barrier integrity, cell health, and immune function in the G.I. tract

    SKU: PEPGI6 Category:
  • PureBi•Ome™ Intensive 30’s

    Probiotics & Prebiotics $646.00

    PureBi•Ome™ Intensive 30’s

    High-potency, 4-strain, clinically-researched proprietary probiotic blend combined with Saccharomyces boulardii to support intestinal microbial balance and help lessen the occurrence of occasional diarrhea

    SKU: PEBIOI3 Category:
  • PureGG 25B 60’s

    Probiotics & Prebiotics $488.00

    PureGG 25B 60’s

    Shelf-stable. Highly researched Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG to support immune, G.I., and overall health across all ages

    SKU: PEPGG6 Category: