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做出將生命帶入世界的決定是一個非常大的決定(因為沒有更好的詞)。 計劃受孕、生育和撫養孩子需要更大的信心和力量。懷孕的 9 個月據說是我們生命中最重要的時期,關係到我們的健康、成長和生活的成功。 研究人員發現,出生前的時間會影響大腦的佈線、器官的功能,甚至影響我們對疾病的易感性。 簡而言之,出生前的這段時間將為我們的餘生帶來健康或疾病。
如前所述,營養是懷孕諸多方面的關鍵因素,受孕也不例外。 當你計劃受孕時,理想情況下,應該在嘗試前至少 4-6 個月開始實施健康營養。 成功和健康受孕的基礎是營養。
正如嬰兒的成長需要幾個月的時間,你的身體也需要幾個月的時間來做好準備。 健康和幸福不會在一夜之間發生,同樣的疾病也不會立即增長。 如果你能花額外的時間開始改變習慣,排除壞的和包含好的,你將投資於您自己的健康以及你未來寶寶的未來。 奧米加、葉酸、鈣、維生素 D 和鐵等關鍵營養素是需要注意的特殊營養素,當然也需要攝取足夠的纖維和蛋白質。
不孕症影響香港六分之一的夫婦,夫婦在嘗試懷孕時可能會面臨許多挑戰。 在介入之前了解你正在處理的問題總是有幫助的,因此進行一些基本測試以了解你和你的伴侶的健康狀況將是有益的。 儘管許多人認為,男性的健康狀況可導致多達 60% 的不孕問題。 正如他們所說,這需要兩個,了解雙方的健康狀況將使你的醫生或營養師更準確地了解你的情況。
我們的現代生活方式通常是荷爾蒙失衡、壓力和營養不足的重要原因,可能會在嘗試懷孕時造成障礙。 你目前的生活習慣可能看起來並無害處,但總有一些方面是我們可以改進的,以獲得最佳的健康。 而這個關鍵的受孕時間是為你和你寶寶的健康而努力的最佳動力和時間。
女性的身體會發生許多生理變化,為懷孕做準備,當然包括在受孕和分娩期間和之後。 重要的是要為身體的變化做好準備,還要為它需要攜帶的額外重量做好準備。 步行、伸展和普拉提特別有助於準備分娩。 但關鍵是頻率和一致性。 為了讓鍛煉對你有益,每周至少要活躍 3 天。
免責聲明:該信息僅用於一般教育目的。 這些療法不是標準醫療保健的替代品,也不能由患者單獨使用。 公司對作者的信息不承擔任何責任,無論是口頭傳達還是在這些材料中。 所有陳述均代表作者的意見,不代表本公司的立場或意見。 作者通過商品名稱、商標或製造商對任何特定產品、流程或服務的引用不構成或暗示本公司的認可或推薦。
由全科營養師 Denise Tam 撰寫
Photo: @jcomp
Making that decision to bring life into the world is an incredibly big (for lack of a better word) decision. It takes greater faith and strength to plan for conception, carry, birth and raise the child.
The 9 months of pregnancy are said to be the most important periods of our lives, in relation to our health, growth and success in life. Researchers are seeing that the period of time before birth can influence the wiring of the brain, the functioning of the organs and even impact our susceptibility to disease. In short, the period before birth will set us up for either health or disease for the rest of our life.
If you haven’t found the motivation to optimize your health, and you are planning for a child, now would be the best time to do it.
So how does one successfully plan for pregnancy? There are several aspects of planning that should be taken into account.
1. Nutrition
As mentioned, nutrition is a key player in so many aspects of the pregnancy, and conception is no different. When you’re planning for conception, ideally, one should start implementing healthy nutrition at least 4-6 months before even trying. The foundation for a successful and healthy conception is in nutrition.
Just as it takes months for a baby to grow, it will also take months for your body to prepare. Health and wellbeing doesn’t happen overnight and similarly disease doesn’t grow instantaneously. If you can take the extra time to start changing habits, excluding the bad and including the good, you would be investing in your own health as well as the future of your future baby. Key nutrients like omegas, folate, calcium, vitamin D and iron are particular nutrients to take note of and of course getting adequate fibre and protein.
2. Health status of mom and father to be
Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples in Hong Kong and there are many challenges that couples can be burdened with when trying to conceive. It is always helpful to know what you are dealing with before stepping into it, so some general testing to understand the health status of both you and your partner would be beneficial. Despite what many believe, the man’s health status can contribute to up to 60% of the infertility issues. As they say, it takes two, and learning about the health status of both partners would allow your doctor or nutritionist a more accurate reading of your situation.
3. Current lifestyle habits
Our modern lifestyles that usually are big contributors to hormonal imbalances , stress and nutrient insufficiency can create obstacles when trying to conceive. Your current lifestyle habits may not seem damaging, but there are always aspects of it that we can improve on to gain optimal health. And this crucial time of conception is the best motivator and time to be working on your health and that of your baby’s.
4. Physical fitness
There are many physicological changes that takes place in a woman’s body to prepare for pregnancy and of course during and after the conception and birth itself. It is important to prepare the body of the physical changes and also extra weight that it will need to carry. Walking, stretching and pilates are especially helpful in preparing for labor. But the key is frequency and consistency. For the exercises to benefit you, aim to be active at least 3 days per week.
The information is for general education. It is not meant to be used by a patient alone. Please work with your health care practitioner to use this information in the best way possible to promote your health and the health of your future child.
Written by Denise Tam, Holistic Nutritionist