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Mother and daughter on the bed together. Chinese and Malaysian ethnicities.
懷孕是對生命提供正確和充足的營養的重要時期 – 從字面上看。我們知道我們種植的東西的健康在很大程度上取決於我們種植它的土壤。子宮是土壤,精子和卵子是種子。土壤的肥沃可以產生良好的作物,就好比子宮、精子和卵子的健康,才能生出健康的嬰兒。
環境工作組在2009年進行的一項研究中,在 10 名嬰兒的臍帶血中確定了 232 種不同的工業化合物和污染物。 這些化學物質在我們嬰兒體內的濃度及其接觸會對他們的發育和未來的健康產生影響。 我們也知道,越早接觸毒素,對寶寶的影響就越大。同時,抑制甚至可能傷害寶寶的相同毒素也可能會抑制生育能力,這也是我們在受孕前排毒的另一個重要原因。 香港每 6 對夫婦中就有 1 對發現難以受孕,因此在尋找解決受孕挑戰性的解決方案時,清潔應該是第一步。
受孕前的時間是你必須長時間清潔的最後機會。不建議在懷孕和哺乳期間進行清潔,因為釋放的毒素可以傳遞給嬰兒。排毒的理想時間是嘗試懷孕前至少 9 個月。一般來說,6 個月的排毒時間是最好的, 因為這可以允許毒素緩慢而穩定地分解,而且一旦毒素從細胞中釋放出來,也能讓你的身體有必要的時間將它們從體內排除。6 個月排毒結束後,最好在排毒結束和開始嘗試之間留出 3 個月的時間,以防體內殘留有毒物質。這些要麼被你的脂肪細胞和器官吸收,要麼在理想情況下最終被消除。目標是確保身體盡可能遠離毒素,並以最佳的狀態工作來給予和接受。男性也不能豁免這個過程,因為精子的健康與子宮和卵子的健康同樣重要。作為夫妻共同完成的排毒過程可以成為開始從這種夥伴關係成為父母的好方法,表明雙方在受孕和撫養孩子的旅程中的重要性。
生育清潔應側重於生殖系統,特別是子宮、卵巢和肝臟。 肝臟有助於過濾體內毒素,包括過量的激素。 如果由於激素產生不平衡而導致雌激素佔優勢,肝臟的工作就是將其從系統中清除。 簡而言之,你的生育清潔也將直接專注於重新平衡荷爾蒙,這對於成功受孕非常重要。
不同的有毒化學物質需要不同的營養物質和方法來分解它們。 重金屬、BPA 和內分泌干擾物、非重金屬毒素,都需要不同的方法,最好與中西醫結合的醫生一起幫助你適當有效地排毒。
無論有毒化學物質如何,都維持不變的是消除方法。 以下是實施生育清潔時的一些有用的“第一步”。
你會對在不同類型的地方所接觸的毒素感到驚訝。 化學物質不僅會在食物,水和空氣中找到, 還會在我們的美容產品和家居清潔用品中發現。 尋找更乾淨的替代品將大大有助於減輕你身體的負擔。此外,不斷將自己暴露在這些毒素中,同時試圖消除它們也有違背你的目的,因此辨認並儘量減少暴露也應該是你的第一步。
一旦你的身體分解毒素,重要的是使用粘合劑來捆綁毒素,這樣它就不會在你的身體中經歷再循環週期。 木炭、小球藻、二氧化矽、蘋果果膠和沸石粘土等粘合劑在捆綁各種不同的毒素方面都非常有用。 不同的“粘合劑”在捆綁特定的毒素方面更有用, 因此進行重金屬測試來看你是否需要額外的支持是值得的。
一旦毒素被綁定,就必須快速和有效地通過糞便或尿液將其從體內排出。 如果這些器官不能以最佳方式工作,毒素就會在體內重新循環,從而造成更多傷害。 可溶性纖維、苦味劑和鎂有助於更規律的排便。 水合作用和不加糖的蔓越莓汁也有助於通過泌尿道排出水溶性毒素。
我們的皮膚是最大的器官,雖然關於出汗是一種很好的排毒方式存在爭議,但在《環境與公共衛生雜誌》¹ 上發表的一項有趣的研究表明,那些重金屬含量高的人,尤其是砷、鉛、汞 和鎘,與血漿和尿液濃度相比,它們以甜味形式排出更高水平的毒素。 而那些“中等”或“低”水平的人的汗液中釋放的量極少。 無論如何,排出毒素並沒有什麼壞處,因為很少有。 遠紅外線桑拿是一種常用的促進出汗的工具,可以作為你日常鍛煉的補充。
使用草藥和營養補充劑來支持身體自身自然的排毒過程可以在生育清潔方面產生巨大的影響。 支持自然排毒的常用並安全的補充劑包括:
奶薊草 : 奶薊草是所有藥草中研究最充分的一種,已被用於保護和再生肝細胞。 作為解毒計劃的一部分,奶薊草可以幫助肝臟清除毒素。
蒲公英:蒲公英在歷史上用作消化系統和肝臟的滋補品。 它溫和的保護作用包括增加膽汁的產生和流動,並幫助清除體內多餘的激素。
DIM(二吲哚甲烷):DIM 存在於十字花科蔬菜中,可促進健康的雌激素代謝和細胞週期活動。
Pure Encapsulations Liver GI Detox 提供一種排毒配方,其中包括支持肝臟和胃腸道的營養素,還包括小球藻等粘合劑和西蘭花芽濃縮物。 產品可與 DIM Pro 100 或 DIM Detox 一起服用,以獲得協同效益。
免責聲明:該信息僅用於一般教育目的。 這些療法不是標準醫療保健的替代品,也不能由患者單獨使用。 公司對作者的信息不承擔任何責任,無論是口頭傳達還是在這些材料中。 所有陳述均代表作者的意見,不代表本公司的立場或意見。 作者通過商品名稱、商標或製造商對任何特定產品、流程或服務的引用不構成或暗示本公司的認可或推薦。
由全科營養師 Denise Tam 撰寫
Preconception Cleansing: Why, When and How to Cleanse before Conception
Pregnancy is a period where correct and adequate nutrients are vital for life- literally. We know that the health of what we grow depends heavily on the soil that we grow it in. The womb is the soil and the sperm and eggs are the seeds. A soil’s fertility to produce good crops is likened to the health of the womb, sperm and eggs to produce a healthy baby.
Our bodies resembling the health of our soil today are depleted of vital nutrients and toxic from our modern day lifestyle . We have been carrying around years and years of toxins allowing for proper rest and regeneration. In this day and age, where couples are delaying pregnancy, this also means that there is more time for toxin exposure and for toxic build up, a common contributing factor to difficulties in conception. It is also clear that many health problems begin long before birth due to toxic exposure in the womb through something called the maternal-fetal transfer. The time prior to conception is the best time to improve your health in order to optimize fertility and to start you and your baby off with a strong foundation.
Our Toxic Status
A 2009 study by the Environmental Working Group identified 232 different industrial compounds and pollutants in the cord blood of 10 infants. The concentration of these chemicals in our babies and their exposure to it have consequences in their development, and future health. We also know that the earlier the exposure to toxins, the greater the impact on the baby. At the same time, the same toxins that inhibit and potentially even harm your baby may also inhibit fertility which gives us another important reason to detox prior to conception. 1 in 6 couples in Hong Kong find it difficult to conceive and so cleansing should be the first step when looking at solutions to a challenging conception.
When to Detox
The time prior to conception is the last chance you have to cleanse for a long time. Cleansing is not suggested during pregnancy and breastfeeding since the toxins released can be passed onto the baby. An ideal time to detox is at least 9 months before attempting to conceive. Generally, a 6 month detoxification is best to allow for the slow and steady break down of toxins, but also to give the necessary time for your body to eliminate them from the body once the toxins have been released from the cells. After the 6 month detox ends, it is preferable to leave 3 months between the end of the detox and the start of trying in case there are any toxic remnants left in the body. These will either be taken back up by your fat cells and organs or ideally, it would be eventually eliminated. The goal is to ensure a body that is free from toxins as much as possible and a body that is working at its optimal to give and to receive. Men are not exempt from this process as the health of the sperm is just as important as the health of the womb and egg. The detoxification process done together as a couple can be a good way to start this partnership into parenthood, signaling the importance of both partners in this journey of conception and raising a child.
How to Detox For Fertility
A fertility cleanse should be focused on the reproductive system, specifically the uterus, ovaries and the liver. The liver helps to filter toxins from the body including excess hormones. If there is an estrogen dominance due to an imbalance of hormone production, it is the liver’s job to remove it from the system. In short, your fertility cleanse will also directly focus on rebalancing hormones which is extremely important for a successful conception.
Different toxic chemicals will require different nutrients and methods to break them down. Heavy metals, BPA and endocrine disruptors, non heavy metal toxins, all require a different approach and it is best to work with an integrative-functional medicine physician to help you appropriately and effectively detoxify.
What remains the same regardless of the toxic chemical is the method of elimination. Below are some helpful ‘first steps’ when implementing your fertility cleanse.
1. Identify and minimize the exposure
You will be surprised at all the different types of places you are exposed to chemical toxins. More than just from our food, water and air, chemicals are also found in our beauty products and household cleaning items. Finding cleaner alternatives to these will greatly help lessen the load on your body. Besides, continually exposing yourself to these toxins whilst trying to eliminate them works against the purpose, so identifying then minimizing the exposure should also be your first step.
2. Include binders
Once your body breaks down the toxins it is important to use binders to bind to the toxins so it does not go through a recirculation cycle in your body. Binders like charcoal, chlorella, silica, apple pectin and zeolite clay are all very useful in binding to various different toxins. Different ‘binders’ are more useful in binding to specific toxins so it may be worthwhile to get a heavy metal test to see where you may need extra support.
3. Optimize GI tract and urinary tract
Once the toxins are bound it is crucial that it is quickly and effectively eliminated from the body either through faeces or urine. If these organs are not working optimally, there is danger in the toxins re-circulating in the body causing more damage. Soluble fibre, bitters and magnesium can assist in more regular bowel movements. Hydration and unsweetened cranberry juice can also be helpful in flushing water soluble toxins out via the urinary tract.
4. Sweat it out
Our skin is the largest organ and although there are controversial findings about sweating being a good form of detoxification, there is an interesting study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health¹ showing those with high levels of heavy metals, particularly arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium, excreted higher levels of these toxins in their sweet compared to plasma and urine concentrations. Whereas those with ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ levels have miniscule amounts released in their sweat. No matter what, it doesn’t hurt to sweat out toxins, as miniscule of an amount of not. Far infrared sauna is a common tool used to enhance sweating and can be complementary to your regular exercise routine.
5. Enhance with supplements
Using herbs and nutritional supplements to support the body’s own natural detoxification process can make a tremendous difference in a fertility cleanse. Commonly used and generally safe supplements that support natural detoxification include:
Milk Thistle : One of the most well-studied of all medicinal herbs, milk thistle has been used to protect and regenerate liver cells. As part of a detoxification program, milk thistle can aid the liver in clearing toxins.
Dandelion :Dandelion has a historical use as a tonic for the digestive system and the liver. Its gentle, protective effects include increasing the production and flow of bile and helping to clear excess hormones from the body.
Uterine Health
Artichoke : Artichoke aids the digestive process by promoting healthy bile
flow and intestinal motility while also supporting blood flow in the liver.
DIM (Diindolylmethane): DIM, found in cruciferous vegetables, promotes healthy estrogen metabolism and cell cycle activity.
Pure Encapsulations Liver GI Detox offers a detoxification formulation that includes nutrients to support the liver, gastrointestinal and also includes binders like chlorella and also a broccoli sprout concentrate. Product can be taken with the DIM Pro 100 or DIM Detox to achieve synergistic benefits.
The information is for general education. It is not meant to be used by a patient alone. Please work with your health care practitioner to use this information in the best way possible to promote your health and the health of your future child.
Written by Denise Tam, Holistic Nutritionist