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主要關注高量營養素的飲食可能卡路里低,甚至限制特定食物,這令滿足維他命和礦物質需求更具挑戰性。[1] 增加運動消耗的卡路里(因為許多人在飲食計劃中增加了體育活動), 你有一個營養缺口的設置。
對某些人來說,改變健康的飲食習慣可以提高飲食質量,並可能導致微量營養素攝入量增加,因為你多吃水果和蔬菜等營養豐富的食物。然而,如果卡路里限制是計劃的一部分,它可能會導致許多維他命和礦物質的攝入量意外減少,因為你沒有吃那麼多的食物。 [2]由於營養需求會因年齡、性別、活動水平等而異,低卡路里飲食可能無法滿足所有人的微量營養素需求。
一項對遵循節食計劃後成功保持健康體重的人進行的研究發現,許多人的飲食不足以達到鉀、鈣、維他命 D、鎂和維他命 E 的需求。[3]作者還指出,那些確實改善了整體微量營養素攝入量的人也在服用多種維他命。
例如,穀物通常從低碳水化合物飲食中剔除,因為它們富含碳水化合物。但穀物尤其富含鎂和維他命 B,如硫胺素、核黃素和葉酸。除非你遵從精心設計的膳食計劃來彌補這些食物,否則你很容易錯過。
一項研究檢查了兩種流行的低碳水化合物飲食的三天膳食計劃樣本,發現沒有達到 27 種不同微量營養素的每日預計需求。[5]這項研究的結果提議出,即使是遵循指導膳食計劃的人也可能需要多種維他命來確保滿足營養需求。
植物性或純素飲食是另一個例子。雖然吃達到你營養需求的均衡純素飲食是絕對有可能的,但這需要額外的計劃。如果你不熟悉植物性食品或強化食品,鈣和鐵等營養素的含量通常很低。此外,維他命 B12 只能從動物產品中獲得,因此在純素飲食中服用補充劑是絕對必要的。
許多營養素可以支持你在維持健康體重的努力。 雖然這些都不會單方面導致體重減輕,但它們可確保身體中必要的支持過程以最佳方式運作。
代謝功能需要廣泛的營養才能有效地工作。 雖然涉及多種維他命和礦物質,但維他命B對於有良好的新陳代謝至關重要。 維他命 B 不一定會改變你的新陳代謝,但它們的支持可以確保它有效地工作。
幾乎所有八種維他命B 都在細胞能量產生中發揮作用。即使其中一種維他命B的攝入量不足,也會限制身體產生和燃燒能量的效率。[6] 例如,維他命 B6 是氨基酸和脂質代謝或身體如何利用這些營養素的關鍵輔助因子。[7] 低水平的維他命 B12 也與較高的 BMI 和血糖失衡有關,即使在 B12 水平低的母親所生的孩子中也是如此。 [8]
儘管許多食物中都含有鎂,但研究顯示,人們往往吃得不夠。 [12]如果你沒有血糖失衡,那麼由於這個特定原因,可能不需要額外補充鎂,但它可能對那些血糖或胰島素水平高的人會有所幫助。
維他命 D 的許多好處可能會擴展到體重管理。 觀察性研究發現,體重較高的人通常有較低的維他命 D 水平。 研究人員仍在努力嘗試更好地了解這種關係,但認為脂肪組織(也稱為脂肪組織)可能會不恰當地儲存維他命 D。一些研究發現,脂肪組織含量較高的人會吸收和儲存更多的維他命 D。[13]
雖然尚不清楚維他命 D 是否在體重管理中發揮直接作用,或者體重較高是否會使你的維他命 D 水平降低,但這些研究確實表明,如果你的體重較高,了解你的維他命 D 狀態是十分重要的,因為脂肪組織會破壞維他命 D 的正常循環水平。在你節食期間或直到你達到健康的體重之前,補充劑可能是必要的,以令你的維他命 D 達到健康的水平。
無論你遵循哪種類型的飲食模式,請確保你攝入了這些足夠的關鍵維他命或礦物質,以支持你的身體並努力實現您的目標。 補充多種維他命或特定營養素可以幫助你達到飲食不足時的需求,或者如果你需要得到在特定健康狀況時的額外支持。
免責聲明:該信息僅用於一般教育目的。 這些療法不是標準醫療保健的替代品,也不能由患者單獨使用。 公司對作者的信息不承擔任何責任,無論是口頭傳達還是在這些材料中。 所有陳述均代表作者的意見,不代表本公司的立場或意見。 作者通過商品名稱、商標或製造商對任何特定產品、流程或服務的引用不構成或暗示本公司的認可或推薦。
1 Gardner, Christopher D., Soowon Kim, Andrea Bersamin, Mindy Dopler-Nelson, Jennifer Otten, Beibei Oelrich, and Rise Cherin. “Micronutrient Quality of Weight-Loss Diets That Focus on Macronutrients: Results from the A TO Z Study.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition92, no. 2 (August 2010): 304–12.
2 Miller, Gary D., D. P. Beavers, D. Hamm, S. L. Mihalko, and S. P. Messier. “Nutrient Intake during Diet-Induced Weight Loss and Exercise Interventions in a Randomized Trial in Older Overweight and Obese Adults.” The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging21, no. 10 (December 1, 2017): 1216–24.
3 Pascual, Rebecca W., Suzanne Phelan, Michael R. La Frano, Kari D. Pilolla, Zoe Griffiths, and Gary D. Foster. “Diet Quality and Micronutrient Intake among Long-Term Weight Loss Maintainers.” Nutrients11, no. 12 (December 2019): 3046.
4 Damms-Machado, Antje, Gesine Weser, and Stephan C Bischoff. “Micronutrient Deficiency in Obese Subjects Undergoing Low Calorie Diet.” Nutrition Journal11 (June 1, 2012): 34.
5 Calton, Jayson B. “Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiency in Popular Diet Plans.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition7, no. 1 (June 10, 2010): 24.
6 Tardy, Anne-Laure, Etienne Pouteau, Daniel Marquez, Cansu Yilmaz, and Andrew Scholey. “Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence.” Nutrients12, no. 1 (January 16, 2020).
7 Parra, Marcelina, Seth Stahl, and Hanjo Hellmann. “Vitamin B6 and Its Role in Cell Metabolism and Physiology.” Cells7, no. 7 (July 22,2018).
8 Boachie, Joseph, Antonysunil Adaikalakoteswari, Jinous Samavat, and Ponnusamy Saravanan. “Low Vitamin B12 and Lipid Metabolism: Evidence from Pre-Clinicaland Clinical Studies.” Nutrients12, no. 7 (June 29, 2020).
9 Wiebe, Natasha, Feng Ye, Ellen T. Crumley, Aminu Bello, Peter Stenvinkel, and Marcello Tonelli. “Temporal Associations Among Body Mass Index, Fasting Insulin, and Systemic Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” JAMA Network Open4, no. 3 (March 1, 2021): e211263.
10 Barbagallo, Mario, and Ligia J. Dominguez. World Journal of Diabetes6, no. 10 (August 25, 2015): 1152–57.
11 ELDerawi, Wafaa A., Ihab A. Naser, Mahmmoud H. Taleb, and Ayman S. Abutair. Nutrients11, no. 1 (December 26, 2018).
12 Gröber, Uwe, Joachim Schmidt, and Klaus Kisters. “Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy.” Nutrients7, no. 9 (September 23, 2015): 8199–8226.
13 Mutt, Shivaprakash J., Elina Hyppönen, Juha Saarnio, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, and Karl-Heinz Herzig. “Vitamin D and Adipose Tissue-More than Storage.” Frontiers in Physiology5 (2014): 228.
The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business, so it’s no surprise that you are constantly bombarded with ads for the hottest diet or supplement promising quick fixes. In reality, weight management is a complicated balance of hormones, stress, sleep, movement, and genetics.
Weight management is often focused on macronutrients–or how much protein, carbs, or fat you should eat each day. Balancing these foods is critical for establishing a healthy diet, but what’s often left out of the conversation is the importance of micronutrients. It’s the combination of macro and micronutrients that provides optimal support for a healthy weight.
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function. They must be obtained through your diet and are involved in metabolism, immune health, cellular function, and more.
Taking an extra dose of a specific vitamin or mineral won’t cause weight to fall off. Still, it can support the optimal function of the physiological processes necessary for weight management support.
To understand how micronutrients can foundationally support your healthy weight journey, it’s helpful to consider what happens when you cut calories from your diet.
While they are often ignored as part of the overarching solution for weight management, micronutrients play an important role in your journey.
No matter what type of diet pattern you follow, make sure you are eating enough of these critical vitamins or minerals to support your body and efforts to reach your goals. Supplementation with a multivitamin or specific nutrients can help you meet needs when lacking in the diet or if you need extra support for specific health conditions.
Disclaimer: The information is for general education purposes only. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care and are not meant to be used by a patient alone. The Company assumes no liability for the author’s information, whether conveyed verbally or in these materials. All presentations represent the opinions of the author and do not represent the position or the opinion of the Company. Reference by the author to any specific product, process or service by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by the Company.
1 Gardner, Christopher D., Soowon Kim, Andrea Bersamin, Mindy Dopler-Nelson, Jennifer Otten, Beibei Oelrich, and Rise Cherin. “Micronutrient Quality of Weight-Loss Diets That Focus on Macronutrients: Results from the A TO Z Study.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition92, no. 2 (August 2010): 304–12.
2 Miller, Gary D., D. P. Beavers, D. Hamm, S. L. Mihalko, and S. P. Messier. “Nutrient Intake during Diet-Induced Weight Loss and Exercise Interventions in a Randomized Trial in Older Overweight and Obese Adults.” The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging21, no. 10 (December 1, 2017): 1216–24.
3 Pascual, Rebecca W., Suzanne Phelan, Michael R. La Frano, Kari D. Pilolla, Zoe Griffiths, and Gary D. Foster. “Diet Quality and Micronutrient Intake among Long-Term Weight Loss Maintainers.” Nutrients11, no. 12 (December 2019): 3046.
4 Damms-Machado, Antje, Gesine Weser, and Stephan C Bischoff. “Micronutrient Deficiency in Obese Subjects Undergoing Low Calorie Diet.” Nutrition Journal11 (June 1, 2012): 34.
5 Calton, Jayson B. “Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiency in Popular Diet Plans.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition7, no. 1 (June 10, 2010): 24.
6 Tardy, Anne-Laure, Etienne Pouteau, Daniel Marquez, Cansu Yilmaz, and Andrew Scholey. “Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence.” Nutrients12, no. 1 (January 16, 2020).
7 Parra, Marcelina, Seth Stahl, and Hanjo Hellmann. “Vitamin B6 and Its Role in Cell Metabolism and Physiology.” Cells7, no. 7 (July 22,2018).
8 Boachie, Joseph, Antonysunil Adaikalakoteswari, Jinous Samavat, and Ponnusamy Saravanan. “Low Vitamin B12 and Lipid Metabolism: Evidence from Pre-Clinicaland Clinical Studies.” Nutrients12, no. 7 (June 29, 2020).
9 Wiebe, Natasha, Feng Ye, Ellen T. Crumley, Aminu Bello, Peter Stenvinkel, and Marcello Tonelli. “Temporal Associations Among Body Mass Index, Fasting Insulin, and Systemic Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” JAMA Network Open4, no. 3 (March 1, 2021): e211263.
10 Barbagallo, Mario, and Ligia J. Dominguez. World Journal of Diabetes6, no. 10 (August 25, 2015): 1152–57.
11 ELDerawi, Wafaa A., Ihab A. Naser, Mahmmoud H. Taleb, and Ayman S. Abutair. Nutrients11, no. 1 (December 26, 2018).
12 Gröber, Uwe, Joachim Schmidt, and Klaus Kisters. “Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy.” Nutrients7, no. 9 (September 23, 2015): 8199–8226.